Health Services

Medical Records Request For Information

The Medical Records Department provides a variety of support services to Air Force beneficiaries. These services include outpatient, inpatient and day surgery medical record copy requests, outpatient record transfers, and release of medical information.

Medical Records

The Medical Records Department provides a variety of support services to 633rd Medical Group beneficiaries. These services include outpatient medical record copy requests, record transfers, and release of medical information.

Closed Records System

The 633rd Medical Group adheres to DOD Instruction 6040.43, which restricts patients from hand-carrying medical records. All active duty and family member records are the property of the Department of Defense and are to remain in the custody of the 633rd Medical Group for the duration of care at this facility.

Exceptions to the No Hand Carry Policy (Service members only)
In accordance with DHA-PM 6025.02, Volume 1, no service member who is in the process of separating or retiring will hand carry an original Service Treatment Record for any reason, except for members of the U.S. Marine Corps, who are required to hand carry their STR to the final out-processing appointment.

Medical Record Copies

To request a copy of your medical record, fill out a DD Form 2870, Authorization for Disclosure of Medical Information. You may submit your request in person at the front desk of the Medical Record Customer Service desk or fax your request. The record will be scanned and available via email through DoD SAFE.

Instructions for Accessing Emailed Records

Your medical records will be emailed to you via DoD SAFE. Check all email folders for receipt. The email will have a link to the website and a passphrase/password to securely access your medical record. You have seven days once the email is sent to open your records. If you do not open your email in that time, and the Medical Records/Release of Information Department has confirmation the email was sent, you will need to submit another request. It will be treated as a new request and put in the order in which it was received. It is the individual’s responsibility to open the email within seven days.

Release of Medical Records

Civilian providers may fax or mail release forms. Military treatment facilities must fax or mail a DD Form 877. To request records from a previous civilian provider, visit Medical Records to submit a DD Form 2870 and have with you the name and valid phone and fax number of your previous provider. To request records from a previous military treatment facility, visit the Medical Records Customer Service Desk to complete a DD Form 877 and be able to provide the name of the treatment facility.


Per DHA-PM 6025.02, Volume 1, STRs are to be dispositioned by the military treatment facility within five days after the member’s end of active obligated service.. Ensure that your medical treatment record and dental treatment record are turned in to their respective records departments to avoid possible delays or denial of your Department of Veterans Affairs disability compensation claim. If you are submitting a claim to the VA, request a copy of your medical record AT LEAST 120 days before your appointment. Your original record WILL NOT be provided for the appointment.

Contact Us




757-764-7543 (Due to intermittent transmittal issues, please make sure your fax was successfully sent and received.)


Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Closed on federal holidays


633rd Medical Group
Building 255, First Floor (next to Pediatrics Clinic)
77 Nealy Ave.

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!