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757-764-6985, DSN: 574-6985
757-225-5404, DSN: 574-5404
Fax: 757-764-9614
Fax: 757-764-0968 or 764-6884
757-225-7630, option 1, 3, DSN: 575-7630, option 1, 3
Fax: 757-225-0595
757-764-6090, DSN: 574-6090
Fax: 757-225-1411
Fax: 757-225-5874
757-225-5647, DSN: 575-5647
Fax: 757-764-2406
Fax: 757-764-8541
Fax: 757-764-6904
Appointments and front desk: 757-764-6840, DSN: 574-6840
757-764-6744, DSN: 574-6744
Fax: 757-225-7004
757-225-7630, option 1, DSN: 575-7630, option 1, 1, 1
757-225-7630, option 1, 1
Fax: 757-764-1068
Fax: 757-225-7004, for pre-anesthesia clinic; indicate: "Attention of the Pre-Anesthesia Clinic Nurse"
Fax: 757-764-0028
Fax: 757-764-6565